Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New publicity!

Word on the street (and by street, I mean "The Dartmouth Homepage") is that we are currently the web spotlight of the world. Well, given the new exposure, we felt obliged to provide you, our loyal and new readers, with a glimpse of a day in the life of the Titcomb Cabin work site.

The video below is a time lapse of an entire day on Gilman Island. We start the day carving two logs, then prep and carve an entire second two logs. We finish off the day by beginning the prep work on a third pair of logs. We are only a few more levels from starting on the roof!

Also, keep an eye out for Lucas's family and our volunteers Dan and Parker. They've both come out to help a lot and deserve a round of applause for their help. Dan does a lot of work shaving logs on the left side of the frame while his dog Zealand roams the site.


  1. Awesome!
    Who was sliding across the logs in the last few seconds haha?

  2. That's Max. He was very upset that I made him move because there was a log over him.
